To Students

Teaching and learning monetary economics in a time of crisis can quite exiting, and quite challenging too. New information, new research and new analysis change our field of study everyday. This blog is an instrument to keep track of these changes and link what we do in class with what is happening in the wide world. I will use the blog to point out things that I consider important and interesting (or just funny) - please contribute yourself, use it as a discussion platform, use it to exchange informations.

Just to Start

Ideally you should read the book - In the meantime you can watch the TV version of Niall Fergusson "The Ascent of Money" - history matters!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

More explanations of the recession

I will introduce some of the explanations given to the international financial crisis: the debate is still open and the discussion very interesting - here you find more ideas by leading economists on what can generate financial crisis : Risk panics: When markets crash for no apparent reason.